🚗 First brand to launch Automotive AI agent + ⚙️ Microsoft CoreAI
📧 Learn to write emails faster + 🤖 More reasoning models
💼 North by Cohere + 🤖 Pocket-size AI power from NVIDIA
🗃️ New GenAI for Data Course + 👔 NVIDIA workplace agents + ✈️ Delta AI travel agent
AI TVs, smart vacuums, 2 second phone chargers, smart locks, laptop innovations
📚 You get 60% off for life + 🖐 Meta reverses course for AI profiles
👮 Using AI to find frauds / cheats + 👩❤️💋👨 FB/Insta will have AI friends
🤖 Focused on building AI Agents for work + 💸 You get 60% off for life
❄️ If you haven't kept up on AI, you need to read this email + Building AI apps
📕 AI Task Delegation playbook + 🏛️ DeepSeek will struggle to talk about China
🤖 Vertical AI Agents > SaaS + 💰 Major AI Agent Investments
🥊 Google and OpenAI fight for the best reasoning model [AGI]