🔍 Workspaces and Copy / Paste with OpenAI + 🗳️ AI agents running for mayor in US
👫 Course an AI business strategy + 🚀 No-code at 30% CAGR
🎬 Use Gemini with YouTube videos + ⭐ Star Wars + Matrix combo
📝 Google Gemini AI Meet + 🚇 Create cool automations with simple English
🧠 AI for knowledge sharing + 🤖 More AI agents
👫 Partnered with MIT course an AI business strategy + 🤖 New Gen AI work tools
👫 no-code documentation + 🤖 GPT-4o just got better
📷 Global release of Sora-like Kling AI + 🖼️ Art close to reality
🛠️ Build apps with Airtable Cobuilder + 📺 Make the viral AI video that's making the rounds
📹 Google launches vids + 🔍 AI overviews to generate summaries
💻 AWS introduces App Studio + 📞 Devices with AI
🎙️ Podcast AI summaries + 🗄️ Data Workers behind LLMs